As Thanksgiving approaches, we all find ourselves making plans with family and friends. We attend traditional parades and football games and other ceremonial activities before the big meal. Our mouths begin to drool over the thought of the delicious smells and tastes of turkey, stuffing, pies, and endless other treats.
However, a lot of us tend to take this great holiday for granted. There are numerous families and individuals who do not have the pleasure in taking part in the Thanksgiving tradition. Some simply do not have the funds necessary to feed themselves and their families, while others do not have any place to go.
Since the Thanksgiving itself was born here in Massachusetts, the state has done a terrific job by having several charities across the state that help those in need during the holiday times. Here in and around the city, the restaurant chain Tavern in the Square, is offering a free Thanksgiving meal to senior citizens, the homeless, and families that have no other place to go from 11:30-2 on Thursday, November 25th
The staff at these restaurants cannot offer such a terrific feast alone. They are asking you for help! Whether you would like to donate time, money, or food, all are highly appreciated. Volunteering is always an enjoyable time, and will truly make one appreciate the smaller things that we may take for granted during every day circumstances.

I have always wanted to volunteer on Thanksgiving, well next year, no excuses!