This website is so cool, it just has to be shared with you! It is a company located right here in Lexington MA, a suburb right around the corner from Boston. So, Have you visited the Daily Grommet yet? If not you need to check it out. It is a website that features a "daily grommet" every day. What is that exactly?? A grommet is a new product that is being introduced for the first time on this website. The products can be pretty interesting and different as well as practical and eco-friendly. They make you say to yourself, why didn't I think of that? The site gives entrepreneurs a chance to launch their product in a very cool unconventional way. There is a video with every grommet and of course a story behind it's making. Hundreds of people send in their products in hopes of getting chosen to be featured as a daily grommet. It is a really cool site and even if you don't purchase a thing it's neat to see all the crazy products and the story and people who are behind them...
Have some fun and check it out
Thanks for spotlighting Daily Grommet on your blog today and helping to spread the word about our Grommets and their creators. We'd love to hear from you about products you think are special enough to be Grommets. We were so glad to have the chance to meet everyone at UMass last night; looking forward to seeing you all around town! > Jeanne, Daily Grommet CMO